Wafting myself back into your ever loving inboxes with an invitation to the event of the year. I offer you dogs, ponies, food for days, shopping for days, spectacles to make you gasp and stretch your eye, and the two legendary best bad boys in TV comedy history. Read on. I hope that I’ve set in motion this years trending mania, FOMO. Do not miss out. Do be there ringside, tea side, hillside. We have been mentioned in Traveller Magazine as a fab happening on Summer’s agenda. I’m telling you it’s a very cool place to see and be seen at. This year we’re holding our event in aid of the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance

We have been working on this years Buckham Fair, since last year’s Buckham Fair, so no wonder it’s truly tremendous and that my blog posts are erratic…and my house is a little untidy…and I forget to call you back…and there’s nothing in the fridge (rare, I’ll give you that). So much scope for so many excuses. Here’s the thing, our committee could organise the The United Nations and our names are less silly. We’re the best that money can’t buy.

We have it all going on and a little site map may give you an indication of the whimsy of our Fair and the traditional curtsey we offer to bygone events. You could not want for more. You will have views that will make your heart happy and your eyes a little squinty because the sun will be reflecting off the sea at West Bay and Lyme Regis while you sit as long as you please on our grassy knolls and on our slightly scratchy straw bales, true dat! ( I don’t want to be had up for ‘trade descriptions’ ) Wear festival gear because it’s a party, a celebration and a festival of food, shopping, cream teas, dogs, ponies and people. Need more ? I’ve got more. What would you say to a Pre loved Clothing marquee that flings more designers at you than The Octavia Foundation, but throws in a side of celeb nonsense too? We have for the first time, since the last, very long time ago time, reunited the Men Behaving Badly bromance that is Martin Clunes and Neil Morrissey. Ask a dog owners permission to borrow one if you don’t have your own, and get yourselves entered into the ‘The Dog That Most Looks Like Neil Morrissey’ … in any of his incarnations. Neil and Martin will be getting judgemental.

Look they’re just checking out the Pre Loved merch…

Seeing that sub zero Summer centigrades are all around me, I’ll be making a bit of a bolt for a pair of Tartan Jammies kindly donated by Bonsoir of London,
I shall be stylishly rocking fluorescent tabard fashion, and if you can get past that look on me, I’d love to meet any of you there on the day.