I know, I know, my posts have been like buses, you wait forever to get one and then two come along at once. Never one to let the grass grow Mrs V thought a shake up of regularity and format may properly rile everyone up. How nice is that? I Just need you to know that one can walk a long, lonely way through frilled, embroidered and lacy lingerie departments to be confronted with the sad sorry sight of hideously practical Flesh Coloured Underwear. As a Model they’re a kind of uniform, a basic of the job. Therefore I’m at saturation point with bras that look like beige pouches and knickers that look like you’re being prepped for an operation. Nah, none of that thank ya!

M&S Embroidered Hi Leg Knickers £10 Embroidered Hi Rise Shorts £10
Sometimes masquerading as Cream or Mid Beige (both applicable to my skin tone), this genre of underwear has for Mrs V crawled under a rock and wants us to go there with it. Share the joy as I hustled my way toward the Mini Flapjacks through the M&S Food for the ‘I can’t be arsed’ Hall when this underwear shouted at me. It shouted cute, chic, sexy stuff and to shut it up, readers I bought it. Mrs V will be wearing all sorts of risky transparencies of clothing items and so, so very much hoping that you cop an eyeful of what’s underneath. M&S are purveying this at wondertastic prices and I hope that it may underpin this monolith’s resurgence to producing clothes that we may even wear, but that definitely don’t wear us. Re Food Hall; As you were!
If you have skin tones lighter than Vellum or Tooth Beige, count yourselves well lucky and I have no truck with you on this issue!