This is a little tiny blog to give directions for you to beat a path to a very trendy ( yes, make up does whizz in and out of trends), make up outlet that I have been enjoying privately, on your behalves. It absolutely does what it says on it’s packaging. My daughters and I, seem to be hosting it’s Flagship store in Dorset, given the amount of Kiko products lounging around our bathrooms. The make up and skincare brand Kiko emanates from Milan and is quite a regular on the high street in Paris, and now it’s time for us to light up our lips and enhance our cheekbones with their very funky colours and beautifully researched creams, without needing a passport. The Flagship Store is at 20 paces from Topshop, just around the corner, on Regent street.
I feel that I can go slightly berserk in the store, everything looks fun and feasible. Given a past post that concentrated on my passing penchant for everything blue around my eyes, you shouldn’t be surprised that the lure of the blue lipgloss had me at ‘ ciao’. This lipgloss, when layered onto the natural pink/purplish colour of my lips results not in a Picasso hued pout, but a perfectly acceptable light mauve. Not for everyone I realise, but stop me and give an opinion as I pass glossily by. I did rein myself in a little, in time to see the sense in buying a lip colour that allowed me back on the grown ups table. I give you their Long Lasting Lip Colour. It’s particular naughty thrill comes from the feeling that you’re felt pen-ing on your lips with something that came out of a friend’s pencil case. Back on the children table…
I’m just saying that for exceptionally good prices, a lot of very stylish make up options including colours and quality, you’d be missing a trick if you didn’t check Kiko out.