Yesterday I went to see what Toast is offering us for S/S 2016, at their Press Day. I am here to state that true to Fashion’s mythical ‘ we speak as one ‘ inexplicable, coincidences in trends which occurs every season. I have spotted a most liberating movement going on. Which is the ‘what me? I was wearing this last night’ ( literally ), look. It is nightwear masquerading as perfectly acceptable attire no pillows attached. Whichever segment of your 24 hour cycle you’re rolling home from, or out to, day or night. Pyjamas and Nighties, that’s what you’re allowed to wear. Celine says so, and so do M&S and Toast. They are writing you a note to hand in at reception, which states that these are real clothes and to be permitted access all areas. Yes, I’m going to do it and so must you. Both of the above shirts are fabulous to plonk over boyfriend jeans or a skinny version. Do you know which one is the actual Pyjama?

Toast has made a bona fide Pinafore that properly performs its tribute to school uniforms and utility clothing. However, it doesn’t just have to be a white shirt or t shirt underneath. One could get all Dolce Vita about oneself and notch it up a little by creating a slightly tighter waist and slipping a camisole on, just for the alternative route. Slip out of the Birkenstocks and slither into some higher strappys. There is no right or wrong. There are only my suggestions and your choices!