The Big Squeeze

velvet, jacket, tuxedo, dinner jacket, black, sweatpants, joggers, white

This photo is not a close up of the minute details of this terrific little piece, but more of a lifestyle suggestion, for when you all wear it. Truly my intention is that, although it has satin lapels and is clearly a mini dinner jacket, we all wear it instead of a cardigan. It needs to be worn tight and because of it’s deconstructed feel it’s very comfy. Do not be afraid of the tailored Tuxedo allure as you can see what I’ve done with it. I’ve dragged it down to sweatpants level, but I’d be totally happy to put some heels on with that same outfit and show up for a mojito or a hot chocolate, depending how late I’d stayed! Black velvet is a gatecrasher, it will take you anywhere you want to go, and it’s shoulders will rub along nicely with everyone once you’re there. Do not hang about deciding whether you want this or not as it’s currently on sale at Mango and if people know what’s good for them, they’ll grab it and start flaunting. @Mango

  • Maria Kemp
    July 26, 2015

    Ran all the way to Mango and got the jacket, it’s fab….

    • Vanessa
      July 26, 2015

      So pleased that you read the blog post and sprang into action! I count this as an ‘ unmissable ‘ item.

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