Pixi’s at Work.

Pixi Glow peel Pads, Pixi Skintreats, Hyaluronic Acid, skincare, Mrs V, Vanessa Voegele-Downing, themodeledit.com

 The May beauty crush. Pixi Glow Peel Pads

 Petra Strand  is the beauty and the brains behind the skincare brand Pixi the culmination of acquired knowledge from her 20+ years experience as a makeup artist & product developer. Pixi products are formulations infused with botanicals and beneficial ingredients. Their ethos is to create products that are multitasking, flaw-fixing and youth-enhancing for women like us with no time to spare. Goes without saying that they are the offerings of  a busy mother of four who has previous in the beauty industry and therefore knows how to cut to the chase. I like their strap line ‘ Flawless in fuss free minutes”

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My Skin Cares

Filerina, skin care, moisturiser, M&S, beauty products
Rodial, skin care, moisturiser,M&S, beauty products
Pixi beauty products, moisturiser, skin care, teen beauty products, teen skin care

Last drips of information gleaned from my recent flurry of Press Days, is this little snapshot of what the M&S beauty department shelves are going to be laden with, come the spring.

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Strobe Highlighting

Highlighter, make up, cream

On my quest for epidermal exquisiteness, I pester everyone that may afford me an insight. No one and certainly no make up artist is off limits. Anyway, on my shoot last week and for all our sakes really, I pursued my objective. Insider knowledge, and having been nicely placated with great advice, I have extracted this week’s must have, turn your life around, gem. I give you Mac’s Strobe Cream. You can mix a little with your moisturiser and you will look radiant, glowy ( new model edit word, but you know what I mean ),and fresh faced.  Or if you’re wearing foundation, mix in  a little splodge and this will subtly highlight your face from within your make up. It’s an uplifting, treat of a product.

First Aid



This product will not be ‘done’ under trade descriptions, as it really does what it says on the tin, or, in this case, tube. It does seem to be replenishing and sort of plumping. I have tried it and so have my teenage daughters, so there you have a nice little spectrum of ages.

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