The May beauty crush. Pixi Glow Peel Pads
Petra Strand is the beauty and the brains behind the skincare brand Pixi the culmination of acquired knowledge from her 20+ years experience as a makeup artist & product developer. Pixi products are formulations infused with botanicals and beneficial ingredients. Their ethos is to create products that are multitasking, flaw-fixing and youth-enhancing for women like us with no time to spare. Goes without saying that they are the offerings of a busy mother of four who has previous in the beauty industry and therefore knows how to cut to the chase. I like their strap line ‘ Flawless in fuss free minutes”
These little exfoliating pads contain 20% glycolic acid . Glycolic Acid ( from the family of AHA’s or Alpha Hydroxy Acids) is a safe acid and frequently used in skincare products. Basically it safely removes the outer layer of dead skin cells on your skin, bringing fresh, new skin to the surface. This is beneficial for those of us, and basically where is someone who isn’t, looking for products to help with anti-ageing? Glycolic acid can also help lighten discoloration of the skin, from the crap that we put it through before we realised we weren’t going to look 18 forever. You should always wear sunscreen, even more so when you’re using AHA’s like glycolic acid, as your skin is much more susceptible to sunburn.
After a few swipes with these little Glow peel Pads on an every other day basis, as a last stop on the Bed Prep Express, I feel pretty happy about the state of my loveliness. What I’m loving particularly is the feeling that I’m in touch with the actual skin on my face rather than the dead skin cells that had created a sort of lack lustre patina. Another legacy of these little pads of delight is that my skin tone seems very even, no blotches or blemishes. True I don’t really have any major skin worries, other than the Grand Canyon -esque laughter lines denoting that I’ve been berserk with laughter since the midwife slapped my arse. I did actually perceive a more even tone that I really like. There are other products that offer this type of service but I have not found one that delivers so honestly. In all cases Pixi is the Fairy Queen of glycolic cell sloughing with their Glow Peel Pads. As always on The Model Edit when I try a product it’s only when it scores a home run that I ever mention it to you girls.
Mrs V , wearer of very fair, freckly and dry skin is presently feeling solid about her appearance from the neck up.
May 24, 2016
Am actually tempted. x
May 24, 2016
Truly terrific product. Can highly recommend x
July 16, 2016
“I’ve been berserk with laughter since the midwife slapped my arse.” Literally had me roaring out loud when I read that. I really tickled me. x
July 25, 2016
So happy that we share the same sense of humour. I really try to write exactly how it seems to me. It sometimes works…Thank you for taking the time to comment x