Took a week of Sundays to actually write the second instalment of themodeledit Beauty Keepers, and as ’tis the Lords day when I’m compiling this, please forgive. The little acrylic box, ideally situated on an extremely pretty french antique dressing table (which is all I’ve ever wanted, hint, lol) in order to completely showcase my amazing Earring archive, most of which cost 2p but affords me massive flamboyance for that self same reason. Two of the best things ever are my second ear piercings. The massive thrill of plugging these piercings every day with fripperies , pretty, edgy, dangly, studs, subversive, conformist, valuable, costume, trends and tasteless. Look’ee here, they all fit into this transparent container sold by Muji. The actual insets are optional and cost a tiny bit more, but let us love that this option is available. The transparence is so useful of a Monday morning when I’m fiddling about trying to sort out my look for the 2 minute school run. Vain? No! Styleblogger yes! Cannot tell you more stringently that there is joy to be found here with this little acrylic box. Totally envisaging my life becoming more organised…

Clockwise, and continuing with things that are showboating on my imaginary dressing table I point to lovely Lafco hand cream. Here’s the thing. It works. It’s great. It smells of Champagne and stuff, how nice is that? With regular nocturnal use my hands emerged each morning as pretty little appendages ergo the best versions of theirselves and not a hod carrier’s stock in trade. Which reminds me I must reorder. Shall I add a tube on for you guys?
Mac Strobe cream. Did you think this radiance that I have about me is natural? Noo. I am scintillating by kind permission of Mac. All you do is add a tiny blob to either your moisturiser or your foundation, or if you’re going large, add more. Do not be left in my shade. Buy it. Lasts forever anyway.
Chanel Turquoise Mascara. Sold as a sparkling Mascara top coat. There you are then. It’s an add on, a toe in the water. Do you want me to say more? I don’t much mind you buying other blue hues or even rushing over to the Goth side and embracing Purple. Colours other than Brown and Black are no longer controversial or age restricted. They subtly enhance and entrance. You may even get a second look…In a good way. Get on with it. Sometimes I wear one colour mascara on the top and a completely different colour on the lower lashes. Quite a lot of sass really. So far I haven’t been arrested.
April 25, 2016
What does strobe cream add to one’s complexion dear one?
Love all advice and playful writing .Nice job Mrs V.
April 26, 2016
Hi Ruthie, this cream is truly a ‘trick up your sleeve’ make up basic for me. I certainly don’t wear it every day, but as it says in the blurb that I’ve included it’s a boost for the face, both nutrition and appearance-wise. It’s that new breed of skin illuminators. Obviously we all survived this far without them, but I’m kinda wondering how. Read on Ruthie; ‘The ultimate quick fix for the skin. Super-powered with potent botanicals to refresh and moisten. Boosts the look of dull, flat or tired-looking skin with nutritious vitamins and a mega-dose of green tea. Brightens and clarifies with iridescent particles and antioxidants. Enhances the effects of light on all skin in all lighting conditions from sunlight to spotlight’. It works, which is why I’ve included it in my ‘Beauty Keepers ‘ Let me know if you buy, and what you think? xxx